Giving is as essential to worship as singing, praying, and preaching. By giving, you are showing obedience to God and you are opening yourself up to receive His abundant blessings. When you give to God, He will continue to supply your needs while blessing you beyond measure.
Greater Archview Baptist Church is able to do meaningful, relevant, life-changing ministry through generous givers such as you.
Your gifts assist Greater Archview in:
Daily operation
Meeting the physical and spiritual needs of our members and community
Providing for those in need
Our Through in Twenty Two capital campaign
As you have so freely given to us Father, and lovingly made us what we are, we now freely give back to you the substance of our lives, our time, talent and money
As you have so freely given to us Father, and lovingly made us what we are, we now freely give back to you the substance of our lives, our time, talent and money
And be not confirmed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.